A few days ago, the alliance fighter Mizore bitterly complained in the WoW Forum that it is constantly raining on the ** island of Quel'Danas, which has been entered in Burning Crusade Classic since May 11, 2022 Over all layers. Why is she annoying? Well, on the one hand, the bad weather naturally ruins the island's aesthetics. The thing is called the sunbring plateau, but there is no trace of the sun. On the other hand, the rain noticeably reduces the client performance, and unfortunately it is not possible in the options to park the weather effects.
Rain? Rain! But not forever
Anyone who thinks that it must be a bug is wrong. A few hours ago, Classic Game Producer agreed that it was a feature that was already in the original Burning Crusade:
"_ Interressingly, this is actually an authentic behavior and works, as intended. When the island reaches a certain point through the fulfillment of the daily quests, the weather begins to improve. The bad weather should represent the influence of the burning legion on the island, and and Through willpower and perseverance, your server can and will repel this corruption and overcome it!"
Honestly: at that time we lived on the island of Quel'Danas for weeks (just a little exaggerated), but this little detail never noticed anyone in our bladder. Blizzard could again often make sure that our actions affect the game world directly, in the small and large. Or what do you mean?
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