In 1997, Hidaka Masimitsmitsu, who was invited to the invitation Pokémon TV animation, which was open in Korea,
This news was the director of the deceased motivation and an animated director. Fukuda, director of Fukuda, was transmitted on the 10th, "Hidaka Masamitsimitsu, Hidaka Masimitsimitsu, who had a pokemon, who had a Pokemon, through Twitter. It was a motivation, and I worked as I was in the light, and Wataru. He refused, and he said, "
Hidaka Masimitsmitsu was a member of the first Pokemon TV animation called 'unwanted', and then the Pokemon AG Supervisor, Pokemon DP Conti, Direction, and so on. He participated in a joint directing in a number of pocket monster animation theaters, such as the Mute's opposition, the birth of Ruga, "Sebbi, the timeless meeting". In addition to this, we participated in a number of animated animation, such as a fuzzy Garukiba, a new platform initial D Legend 1 and 3.
Among them, in 1997, the first Pokémon animation, which was broadcasted in Korea and Japan, was the first generation of the game and the 2nd generation. At that time, it is a widely known piece of Pokémon that was not popular in Korea, and there are many people who remember the first animation on TV during the Pocket Monster Old Gamer. Currently, in Korea, the animation, as well as the game, and the Pokemon Legend Arsus, released in January this year, was also in popularity.
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