Attack on Titan fanatics can not wrap their heads around Levi from Call of Duty

Auto to the Titans and Call of Duty: Vanguard recently announced a surprising association, in which the Title of Activision allows fans to choose a mask that allows them to play as one of the most popular members of the SCOUT, LEVI, and fans From the dark series created by Anime Okayama are thinking about this new design. Although Attack on Titan has submerged in the world of live action before by films released in Japan in 2015, it is certainly striking to see the man who almost kills Beast Titan with a new and wild image change.

The official PlayStation account recently gave the fans a new look at Capital Levi aspect of Attack on Titan, that the players of Call of Duty: Vanguard will be able to attach Sergeant Daniel, although they do not expect this new appearance to give the players the Speakers that the scout regiment that handles three-dimensional maneuvering equipment:

What do you think of this new radical version of Levi? What other anime figures would you like to see appear in Call of Duty? Do not hesitate to let you know in the comments or contact me directly on Twitter comedy to talk about everything related to comics, anime and the world of titans.

I still want it


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