Lies of p transforms the story of pinocho into a clone of dark sows

The Korean company Neo wiz has published a video with gameplay of lies of p, your soleslike of unforeseen inspiration: it is an adaptation of the original Carlo colloid pinch, which can be seen in the video above, Transform into something that could be signed by the creators of Dark Souls or Blood borne.

The idea is extravagant, and I would not dare to put your hand on fire for it, but the video (which warns from very soon that it is made with images of the alpha ; Nothing ultimate or that goes out soon, at last) has more of an interesting scene. Developed by Round8 Studio, the setting is dark and the level of difficulty, high; Beyond the joke, there are details, like that enemy tied on a bridge that hangs a poster in which ARAB is read, which I liked a lot.

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Beyond that, the body to the body has that weight and speed of clone of the Souls that sometimes fails and sometimes not, although there are also interesting touches here, as the luck of hook with which it approaches an enemy in a certain moment of the video. Unfortunately there are no noses growing up anywhere, so it s time to wait.

Lies of P was announced in the middle of this year with the trailer you have below. It does not have a specific launch date, but we do know that we will have to wait for, as little, 2023 to be able to play it. De Round8 We know, for example, the free MMORPG Bless Unleashed, which is like saying that we know little; Neo wiz, on the other hand, has published a good handful of games, including the recent Soul: The Hero Slayer.
